We kind of agree but more importantly we like the way it sounds. We dedicate The 2009 Holiday Gift Guide Vol. 1: Gifts For Your Mother, to you Anna Cygnar, now if you finally get that buzzer fixed, you might be the proud owner of some of these great products and services that we'll be writing up over the next few weeks.
Otherwise it's another Christmas of incense and old magazines from those guys set up near 8th street on 6th avenue, which is fine because we can buy your gift while we wait for you to come down since you can't buzz us up.
So without further ado we give you...
The 2009 Holiday Gift Guide Vol. 1- Gifts For Your Mother
We love our mom, we really do, but the lady is always cold and can't wear wool (even 2ply fine gauge cashmere) so when we heard that we pilates who makes some of the coolest shirts around was making scarves out of their signature burnout fabric, we thought this might be the perfect gift for her.
The we pilates burnout scarf ($24) comes in lots of colors and will go with basically anything. It's pretty safe bet to say she will love it.
Better yet check out their just in time for the holidays, Sack of Lusciousness ($48) which comes with 3 burnout scarves in a nifty little eco-friendly organic reusable bag. ($48)
Were gonna order "the sack"- give mom 2 scarves in the little bag and save the other one for someone else. It's kinda like how we used to pick the cologne we got our Dad on Father's day, not based on what he wore or wanted, not even the smell, but the brand that was offering the best free gift with purchase, that we could keep for ourselves.
Next up a new book called, Being Simply Beautiful ($13.95) by Helen Noble, the founder of Belacrema, a luxurious line of natural European skin care.

In Being Simply Beautiful, Noble speaks to her readers like an old friend in a candid yet eloquent voice about wearing one's inner beauty on the outside for all the world to see, especially once you've passed a certain age.
The book is packed with tips, tricks and anecdotes from the author's own life and covers topics such as skin care, fitness, and nutrition.
Chances are anyone who reads Being Simply Beautiful is going to be able to incorporate at least a few of Noble's teachings into their daily lives without much effort while feeling empowered, renewed, refreshed and of course beautiful.
Now, if even after reading Being Simply Beautiful, you're thinking mom's (or your own for that matter) skin looks anything but, we suggest Helen's best selling product, Belacrema One Creme ($100). This ultra rich luxurious creme does it all and a little bit goes a long way. One Creme is both a day and a night creme and works wonders on the eyes. Based on a secret 100 year old family recipe and made of the finest natural ingredients, One Creme really is the one and only product you'll ever need.

*One little tip, if using as a night cream and you are a habitual over-user of product like we are, allow your skin to absorb the cream before hitting the sheets, especially if have white bedding. Not to worry a little shout and a nice long soak and our pillowcases were good as new.
If you have a great holiday gift idea send it our way and once we're done working our way down the roster we'll get it up for ya.