Wondering what exactly happens during a voodoo wedding? Perhaps you'd like to speak to one of the most respected voodoo practitioners in the country, Zaar of Voodoo Authentica in New Orleans. In addition to being an elder of the New Orleans vampire community, Zaar is an ordained minister who regularly officiates the weddings of couples being married in the voodoo tradition.
If you would like to speak with Zaar or anyone else from Voodoo Authentica, please let me know and I will be more than happy to put you in touch.
Below is a link to a wedding ceremony performed by Zaar which was shot for the forthcoming show, True Voodoo which was created by Edward Paige of Blank Paige Productions.
About Zaar
The Vampire Zaar has an incredible gift for reading tarot cards and
speaking to the dead. Zaar is used to being the ultimate outsider. As a gay
vampire who can communicate with the dead it wasn’t until he came to
Voodoo Authentica that he !nally found a place where he could !t in. The
rest of the shop may not always understand him, but they’ve accepted
him as one of their own. Since his early childhood Zaar could communicate
with the dead, and they’re the source of his uncanny psychic abilities.
Zaar is also a leading Elder in the New Orleans Vampire community and
founder of N.O.V.A. (New Orleans Vampire Association). Zaar is a vampiric
poster boy for safe sanguine (blood sucking) behavior, advocating blood
screenings and contracts with his donors known as Blood Dolls. According
to Zaar, this activity stabilizes his energies and is performed in a safe,
mutually agreed upon manner. Foremostly Zaar is a humanitarian; organizing
food drives for the homeless and fundraising to rebuild the city
post Katrina. His charitable e"orts even extend beyond the grave; rather
than perform full exorcisms Zaar often invites displaced spirits to come
live with him. He currently has eight spirit roommates.
speaking to the dead. Zaar is used to being the ultimate outsider. As a gay
vampire who can communicate with the dead it wasn’t until he came to
Voodoo Authentica that he !nally found a place where he could !t in. The
rest of the shop may not always understand him, but they’ve accepted
him as one of their own. Since his early childhood Zaar could communicate
with the dead, and they’re the source of his uncanny psychic abilities.
Zaar is also a leading Elder in the New Orleans Vampire community and
founder of N.O.V.A. (New Orleans Vampire Association). Zaar is a vampiric
poster boy for safe sanguine (blood sucking) behavior, advocating blood
screenings and contracts with his donors known as Blood Dolls. According
to Zaar, this activity stabilizes his energies and is performed in a safe,
mutually agreed upon manner. Foremostly Zaar is a humanitarian; organizing
food drives for the homeless and fundraising to rebuild the city
post Katrina. His charitable e"orts even extend beyond the grave; rather
than perform full exorcisms Zaar often invites displaced spirits to come
live with him. He currently has eight spirit roommates.
About Voodoo Authentica
Everyday tourists from across the country and around the world come into
Voodoo Authentica and mingle with the local true believers. Some come out of
curiosity but most have an intensely personal issue to resolve. These are the
stories of ordinary people seeking extraordinary help for everything from love
and !nances, to court cases and political campaigns. The shop also performs a
variety of services including uncanny tarot card readings, Voodoo weddings,
spiritual cleansings, exorcism, and even séances to help locals make peace with
the spirits residing in their homes. The team’s extraordinary psychic gifts and
experience with the paranormal means they aren’t just hunting ghosts, they‘re
speaking and working with them!
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